... not sure where to start with digital marketing?
... having to do it yourself because you don't have a team?
Join She Grows Digital where you will learn and get better at digital marketing, without a team or a budget!
Every month, receive a pack of templates, step-by-step instructions, guides and videos to help you DIY your website building, email marketing and social media.
And if you join today, you'll get this month's pack of templates - immediately!
For only $7/month. And you can cancel anytime.

seulement 70 $

Votre mission, si vous choisissez de l'accepter, est de commencer à être mieux classé sur Google grâce à des modifications sur votre site Web Wix que vous pouvez apporter vous-même.

À qui s'adresse-t-il :

Vous possédez une entreprise qui vend des services (salon de manucure ou d'esthétique, coaching, cours de fitness, massages, yoga etc.)
You don't have a team and little to no budget.
Votre site Web est construit sur Wix (sur un forfait premium , pas un site gratuit)
V ous n'avez pas un gros budget pour payer un consultant ou une agence pour optimiser votre site internet
You prefer clear and simple step-by-step instructions that you can follow, or use templates whenever possible so you can save some time.
You are not tech savvy and tend to shy away from doing digital marketing but you know it's important for your business growth.

Votre mission, si vous choisissez de l'accepter, est de commencer à être mieux classé sur Google grâce à des modifications sur votre site Web Wix que vous pouvez apporter vous-même.

You prefer clear and simple step-by-step instructions that you can follow, or use templates whenever possible so you can save some time.

Les 3 principaux avantages

You are not tech savvy and tend to shy away from doing digital marketing but you know it's important for your business growth.

You are not tech savvy and tend to shy away from doing digital marketing but you know it's important for your business growth.

You are not tech savvy and tend to shy away from doing digital marketing but you know it's important for your business growth.

À propos

My name is Jana Bachollet, I have over 15 years of experience in web design, website management and digital marketing: from search engine optimisation, email marketing and lead generation to advertising.
I’ve managed international websites, worked at a digital marketing agency, I was Head of SEO for 18 European markets and I've been running this business since 2016.
My biggest strength is the ability to clearly explain, show and teach people how to use tools and tactics that help them grow their business.